ChainMyth — Dev Update 1.0

Chain Myth
2 min readDec 31, 2021


Dear Community,

Development progress is going great so far. Backend and Networking is focused at the moment. In terms of game development, below are some pointers for your reference.

1. Completed shooting system.

2. Integrated Mirror It.

3. Map Blockout.

4. Created functions on player manager script that disables player when dead.

5. Created player setup script,

◾️Add objects to disable if not local player
◾️Register player on the game manager
◾️De-register on game manager after leaving the match

6. Created Match Manager,

◾️Store data of active players
◾️Separate them as per the team and assign layers to them

6.1 Environment Assets for Territory 1 (Mughals Architecture)

7. Created Round Manager.

◾️Setup the new FPS system for rendering the player separately.

8. Turn off camera for all other players on each client and assign different layers based on the team.

9. Sync all activities through the clients.

10. System that changes player’s colour based on the team.

11. Make a round system algorithm and set timers for each round.

12. Created player data structure and integrated it.

13. Created round system, and integrated over the network.

14. Created UI for the round system.

15. Created Lobby system.

There will be 3 different territories designed based on 3 different architectures

1. Mughal
2. Colonial
3. Dravidian

An approx of 40+ environment assets will be replaced on top of the blocks.

So far, we are aligned with our timeline and targeted dates. Expect a gameplay clip sneak on first week of January !

Cheers, Fam ! ❤



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